Star Walk 2 Free helps identify planets, stars, and clusters from the backyard. It is the next generation of best-selling stargazing guide, that has surpassed 10 million downloads to date, features all-new interface design, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites.
Star Walk 2 uses the GPS and compass in user’s phone to pinpoint their location and show where all the surrounding celestial bodies are, even if the view is blocked. It delivers an effortless journey through thousands of stars, comets, and constellations. App’s features include all-new interface, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites. All-new exclusive handcrafted artwork for constellations, inspired by minimalist low-poly art and stunning new sound effects create an unforgettable stargazing tool.
Important addition to the Star Walk 2 app was made in cooperation with scientists of Braunschweig University of Technology, who have been working on volumetric visualization of deep space objects. As a result of this partnership, Star Walk 2 is the first astronomy guide to introduce plausible three-dimensional models of planetary nebulae.
Star groupings of the 88 officially recognized constellations are also presented in volume. Users can see them as separate entities, turn them around and take a look from the other side. Complemented by articles on connected myths and history, this is the most comprehensive collection of information on constellations.
Star Walk 2 is a sequel of the well-known Star Walk app that was released back in 2008 and has acquired more than 10 million users across the world on iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, and Windows Phone. It’s been an educational best-seller for over five years and won multiple awards, including Apple Design Award in 2010. Star Walk lets users easily find and identify thousands of stars, satellites, and comets in real time. Using built-in digital compass and motion tracking, this stargazing guide turns the phone into a full-on planetarium.
Star Walk 2 Gratis membantu mengidentifikasi planet, bintang, dan cluster dari halaman belakang. Ini adalah generasi berikutnya laris panduan melihat bintang, yang telah melampaui 10 juta download sampai saat ini, fitur desain semua-baru antarmuka, benar-untuk-hidup visualisasi 3D dari rasi bintang, benda langit yang mendalam, dan satelit buatan manusia.
Star Walk 2 menggunakan GPS dan kompas di telepon pengguna untuk menentukan lokasi dan pertunjukan mereka di mana semua benda langit di sekitarnya adalah, bahkan jika pandangan diblokir. Ini memberikan sebuah perjalanan mudah melalui ribuan bintang, komet, dan rasi bintang. Fitur aplikasi termasuk antarmuka semua-baru visualisasi, benar-untuk-hidup 3D dari rasi bintang, benda langit yang mendalam, dan satelit buatan manusia. karya seni buatan tangan semua-baru eksklusif untuk rasi bintang, terinspirasi oleh minimalis seni rendah poli dan efek suara baru yang menakjubkan buat alat astronomi yang tak terlupakan.
Selain penting untuk Star Walk 2 aplikasi dibuat bekerjasama dengan para ilmuwan dari Braunschweig University of Technology, yang telah bekerja pada visualisasi volumetrik benda angkasa. Sebagai hasil dari kemitraan ini, Star Walk 2 adalah panduan astronomi pertama yang memperkenalkan model tiga dimensi yang masuk akal dari nebula planet.
pengelompokan bintang dari 88 rasi bintang yang diakui secara resmi juga disajikan dalam volume. Pengguna dapat melihat mereka sebagai entitas yang terpisah, mengubahnya sekitar dan melihat dari sisi lain. Dilengkapi dengan artikel tentang mitos terhubung dan sejarah, ini adalah koleksi paling komprehensif dari informasi di rasi bintang.
Star Walk 2 merupakan sekuel dari terkenal aplikasi Star Walk yang dirilis kembali pada tahun 2008 dan telah mengakuisisi lebih dari 10 juta pengguna di seluruh dunia pada iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, dan Windows Phone. Ini telah menjadi pendidikan best-seller selama lebih dari lima tahun dan memenangkan beberapa penghargaan, termasuk Apple Design Award pada tahun 2010. Star Walk memungkinkan pengguna dengan mudah menemukan dan mengidentifikasi ribuan bintang, satelit, dan komet secara real time. Menggunakan built-in kompas digital dan pelacakan gerak, panduan melihat bintang ini mengubah ponsel menjadi sebuah planetarium penuh pada.
Star Walk 2 Free helps identify planets, stars, and clusters from the backyard. It is the next generation of best-selling stargazing guide, that has surpassed 10 million downloads to date, features all-new interface design, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites.
Star Walk 2 uses the GPS and compass in user’s phone to pinpoint their location and show where all the surrounding celestial bodies are, even if the view is blocked. It delivers an effortless journey through thousands of stars, comets, and constellations. App’s features include all-new interface, true-to-life 3D visualization of constellations, deep sky objects, and man-made satellites. All-new exclusive handcrafted artwork for constellations, inspired by minimalist low-poly art and stunning new sound effects create an unforgettable stargazing tool.
Important addition to the Star Walk 2 app was made in cooperation with scientists of Braunschweig University of Technology, who have been working on volumetric visualization of deep space objects. As a result of this partnership, Star Walk 2 is the first astronomy guide to introduce plausible three-dimensional models of planetary nebulae.
Star groupings of the 88 officially recognized constellations are also presented in volume. Users can see them as separate entities, turn them around and take a look from the other side. Complemented by articles on connected myths and history, this is the most comprehensive collection of information on constellations.
Star Walk 2 is a sequel of the well-known Star Walk app that was released back in 2008 and has acquired more than 10 million users across the world on iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, and Windows Phone. It’s been an educational best-seller for over five years and won multiple awards, including Apple Design Award in 2010. Star Walk lets users easily find and identify thousands of stars, satellites, and comets in real time. Using built-in digital compass and motion tracking, this stargazing guide turns the phone into a full-on planetarium.